Framed Regal-Zonophone Record Catalogue for 1940-1941

A framed, second-hand record catalogue from 1941. Complete and original in a frame.
Availability: 1 in stock
Stock ID: 264

What's for sale?

The complete list of recordings issued in the UK by Regal-Zonophone records, a subsidiary of Columbia Gramophone Company Ltd, London. It includes all release up to the end of June 1940.

Each release is listed under performer and title, both in alphabetical order. A smaller list catalogues their dance records by title. 107 pages of text.

It's mounted in a black, engineered wood frame with perspex aperture.

When framing printed memorabilia, we use originals. We don't cut or deface and use a variety of archival methods to preserve and display.

Like all wall-mounted artwork, avoid hanging in sustained, direct sunlight. Indirect sunlight is fine, but the UV rays in direct sunlight can cause fading over time.

Who made it and when?

This was published in 1932 by the Columbia Record Company Limited of London.

What condition is it in?

  • Second-hand
  • Intact and in fair to good condition
  • There's heavy creasing to the spine
  • The pages are yellowed with age

What are the measurements?


  • 18cm high
  • 12.5cm width
  • 1cm depth


  • 26cm high (10" approx)
  • 21cm width (8" approx)
  • 3cm depth (1" approx)
  • 612 grams

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